The Self-Compassion Break is a core part of our Mindful Self-Compassion program. It helps you to understand the benefits of Mindful Self-Compassion as you apply the three aspects of MSC to a problem you're facing. In the Self-Compassion Break you explore (1) mindful awareness of what's happening for you, (2) the experience of common humanity and connection with others around your oh-so-human problems, and (3) an invitation to self-kindness which so many of us find surprisingly absent from our inner lives. The good news is that all three of these "legs of the stool" can be strengthened. The Self-Compassion break is great as a formal or informal practice to do just that.

Mindfulness Northwest Resources

These practice recordings, videos, and descriptions are provided to the community for your personal use free of charge. Our mission at Mindfulness Northwest is to make quality, teacher-supported, mindfulness and compassion training more available to communities in the Pacific Northwest and beyond. We hope you find this mindfulness practice helpful and invite you to explore our upcoming programs.