This is a brief mindfulness practice you can do in the middle of your days. There are many ways to support (and remember!) your natural human ability to deeply pause. A purposeful pause helps to create space in which you return to yourself, find more freedom in your responses to challenges, and help the nervous system settle. When our days, weeks, months, and even years, are spent in a state of constant activity and stress the cumulative effects on bodies and minds are truly damaging. While often an external change to life's schedules and demands may also be needed, research has shown surprisingly powerful effects from simply learning to take a true pause.

Mindfulness Northwest Resources

These practice recordings, videos, and descriptions are provided to the community for your personal use free of charge. Our mission at Mindfulness Northwest is to make quality, teacher-supported, mindfulness and compassion training more available to communities in the Pacific Northwest and beyond. We hope you find this mindfulness practice helpful and invite you to explore our upcoming programs.