Mindful Movement
Carolyn McCarthy - 10 minute audio

Think of Mindful Movement as a "body scan in motion" where we practice deeply feeling the sensations in the body as we move it and as we hold different postures. We offer a few suggestions for getting started as well as diagrams of our standard full mindful movement...

– The Body Scan –
Practice Instructions

The Body Scan by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Coming to Our Senses The body scan has proven to be an extremely powerful and healing form of meditation. It forms the core of the lying down practices that people train with in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction. It involves...

Benefits of Loving Kindness
An article from Mindful Magazine
October 2014

16 Science-Based Reasons to Try Loving-Kindness Meditation By Emma Seppälä | October 1, 2014, Mindful Magazine Many of us have heard of meditation’s benefits. We may have even tried meditation once or twice. And many of us will have found it hard and concluded that...

– Loving Kindness Meditation –
Practice Instructions

Loving-Kindness Meditation by Tim Burnett, 2018 Recent research suggests that the mind is “primed” to be more loving, kind, and compassionate but that our educational systems and culture don’t give us many opportunities to develop this. Our culture tends to view...

Walking Meditation Part 1
An article by Beth Glosten
July 2022

  If you’ve completed a Mindfulness Northwest multi-week course or attended a meditation retreat, you have likely practiced walking meditation. It is a foundational meditation practice, but at first glance, might be viewed as simply a break from sitting....

Gratitude Practice
Tim Burnett - 5 minute video

The practice of gratitude has been strongly linked to happiness in emotion research. In gratitude practice we focus on what we're grateful for in our lives which can gradually shift our baseline orientation in life towards a spirit of gratefulness. For more on being...

Awareness of Breathing
Tim Burnett - 5 minute video

In this core meditation practice, we direct attention to the sensations associated with breathing as our bodies inhale and exhale. This practice is a powerful tool for grounding in our experience of the present moment. Other breath practices like Breath Counting and...

Two Feet and a Breath
Tim Burnett - 1 minute video

This is a brief mindfulness practice you can do in the middle of your days. There are many ways to support (and remember!) your natural human ability to deeply pause. A purposeful pause helps to create space in which you return to yourself, find more freedom in your...

R.A.I.N. Meditation
Tim Burnett - 20 minute audio

The R.A.I.N. practice is a 4-step process for meeting the challenges of life in a spacious, curious, reflective way. The four steps of rain are: (1) recognize, (2) accept and allow, (3) investigate, and (4) non-identification with the challenge. We've been amazed by...