On Acceptance
An article by Beth Glosten, M.D. | October 2024

What happens when you take stock of your day, your life, your purpose? What is the nature of the language you use with yourself? Most of us tend to be harsh and critical of how we are conducting our life. We easily spiral into self-talk of “shoulds:” I should be more...

Doing Nothing Helps
An article by Tim Burnett | September 2024

Something that occurs to me regularly at our mindfulness retreats is: “I never would have thought of this!”It never would have occurred to me that being quiet and sitting still with a group of people for days at a time would bring so much benefit. That it would lead...

May You Be Happy…
An article by Beth Glosten, M.D. | August 2024

“May you be happy…” Have you heard this phrase before? It is one of several phrases that might be used in the loving-kindness meditation practice. Others include: may you feel safe, may you be healthy, may you be at peace, and may you live with ease. What is your...

Just Being is Enough
An article by Tim Burnett | July 2024

People often ask me if there’s a mindfulness practice for ….fill in the blank. Is there a practice for anxiety? Or a practice that helps in grieving a loss? Or a practice for improving concentration or mental performance in some way?While my answer is generally yes,...

Mindfulness Handouts

With deep gratitude to our long-time client King County, Washington, we are happy to share the following handouts on integrating mindfulness into your day, especially at work. Note that most handouts include interactive links to our website and other resources. They...

Planting Seeds
An article by Tim Burnett | April 2023

When I was younger I was a very judgmental person.Pretty much anything anyone said or did I’d have a strong opinion about how they could have done that better and the many things wrong with their choices and approach. It was a pretty constant grouch-fest with a strong...