Going Deeper

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Going Deeper

Roots of Mindfulness Retreat
August 22 - 27, 2025

Roots of Mindfulness Retreat

In person in Bow (Samish Island)

5-day retreat

Going Deeper with Wisdom and Compassion
September 30 (Tuesday evenings)

Going Deeper with Wisdom and Compassion


6-week course

Already have an established meditation practice? Taken several of our 8-week classes and workshops? Our Going Deeper program could be for you. In these classes and retreats, Executive Director Tim Burnett offers longer and more intensive practices and takes a deep dive into the Buddhist and scientific roots of mindfulness and compassion. We also offer a monthly drop-in program for alumni of our programs led by our deeply experienced teachers Richard and Teresa Johnson.

learn more

The Roots of Compassion retreat was wide, deep and manageable. The insights I received during the retreat and now two weeks later are centering on choosing more compassionate freedom for myself and how it spills into my life and work. I feel this tremendous blessing could only have surfaced in the deep and loving container (online worked perfectly!) co-created by the teachers and my fellow retreatants.  I’m quite certain the benefits will  be exponential.

Margaret K.

Bozeman, MT

diverse group of people in the Zoom online mindfulness class smiling


You Are Welcome Here

Everyone is welcome at Mindfulness Northwest, regardless of race, religion, age, ability, gender expression, who you love, what you believe — everyone. We at Mindfulness NW work hard to make our spaces safe for all, and we thank you for joining us with that same intention.

I don’t have adequate words for the wonderful days spent at the Roots of Compassion retreat. I was filled with love and an awareness of beauty. Even through the silence I felt a deep connection with the group members and with my loved ones in my life. It challenged me in important ways and changed me forever. I’m thankful for Tim and Annie and their efforts to provide a perfect environment for enlightenment.

Todd S.

King County Employee

More About Going Deeper

A view from Samish Island Retreat Center in Bow, WA, where our Roots retreats take place

A letter from Executive Director Tim Burnett about our Going Deeper program:

Dear Friends,

One of the things I most treasure about teaching at Mindfulness Northwest is the opportunity to lead our multi-day “Roots” retreats and classes for our Going Deeper program.

I so appreciate the opportunity to weave together the accessible, practical practices of contemporary mindfulness with the deep underlying teachings of Buddhism. While my “mindfulness teacher hat” is firmly on, I get to bring forward the Buddhist teacher within me as well. It’s a fun challenge to translate and explain the more abstruse concepts and translate some of the terminology from Buddhism into everyday language.

If you’ve attended one of these programs before, I’d love to see you again at one of these upcoming events. If you haven’t attended one yet, I warmly invite you to join me and this heartfelt community of practitioners in exploring the roots of mindfulness together.

Every year we hold three different multi-day retreats in this program:

  • Mid-May: 5-day Spring Renewal Retreat
  • Late August: 5-day Roots of Compassion Retreat
  • Early October: 7-day Roots of Mindfulness Retreat

Plus we hold two 6-8 week classes (with a one day retreat included) online:

  • Fall: Roots of Compassion class
  • Spring: Roots of Mindfulness class

The classes are great because there’s time in between meetings to try the practices, and we get to each read the source text I’m working from with time to digest it.

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions about these programs. I do my best to make them accessible and open to everyone – no prior knowledge of Buddhism is needed. We do suggest taking one of our fundamental 8-week classes first (MBSR or MSC).

Hope to go deeper and explore the Roots with you soon!


Cozy cabins at Samish Island Retreat Center under a wild night sky.

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