For Healthcare Professionals

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MINDFULNESS For Healthcare Professionals

Upcoming Mindfulness for Healthcare Programs

Mindfulness for Healthcare Professionals
October 8 (Wednesday evenings)

Mindfulness for Healthcare Professionals


5-week course

We are in the process of completing our 2025 Calendar, please check back soon or join our email list.

More About Our Healthcare Professional Programs

Since 2012, Mindfulness Northwest has been providing training in mindfulness to healthcare professionals and staff. Our signature 5-week class, Mindfulness for Healthcare Professionals, has been offered over 25 times to professionals at UW Medical Center, Kaiser Permanente, PeaceHealth, The Everett Clinic, Evergreen Medical, Skagit Valley Medical, Washington Physicians Health Program, and others.

Please contact us for more information.


Format: Five 2.5 hour classes, one extended 6-hour session, and daily home practice.

Our Mindfulness for Healthcare Professionals (MHP) training includes all of the core elements of the well-studied Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction curriculum (Kabat-Zinn 1990, 1982, 2002) in a briefer and more concentrated format adapted for healthcare, and is equivalent in scale and content to several mindfulness training interventions which have proven effective (Fourtney et al. 2013, Schoroeder et al. 2015).

Preliminary data we’ve collected suggests our course results in a decrease of symptoms of burnout, an increase in mindfulness, and a decrease in perceived stress. Specifically, the data show:

  • an increase in mindfulness of 11%;
  • a decrease in perceived stress of 21%;
  • a reduction in depersonalization of 15%:
  • a decrease in emotional exhaustion 6%; and
  • an increased sense of efficacy 8%.

Mindfulness for Healthcare Professionals has been offered since 2012 at the University of Washington Medical School, The Everett Clinic, Evergreen Medical Center, Skagit Valley Regional Medical Center, PeaceHealth St. Joseph’s Medical Center, Kaiser Permanente, Seattle Cancer Care Center, Providence Health, and through the Washington Physician’s Health Program.

The course has been accredited for CME (Continuing Medical Education). Our live online offering through PeaceHealth St. Joseph is designated for a maximum of 16.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.

Interested in joining an ongoing MHP training or bringing a session to your medical center? Contact us.


A substantial and growing body of peer-reviewed research confirms that when organizations provide mindfulness training to employees, both profit.

Organizations enjoy these benefits:

  • Greater employee engagement
  • Higher morale
  • Improved productivity
  • Reduced stress and burnout
  • Lower turnover

And their employees report:

  • Stronger connections to the organization and other employees
  • Greater job satisfaction
  • Improved focus and creativity
  • Gratitude for the benefits of this training on their non-work lives

The research also identifies these general health and wellness benefits:

  • Increased stress resilience and reduced anxiety
  • Improved immune system function
  • Improved response to chronic pain
  • Reduced symptoms and risk of many chronic diseases (high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma, GI distress, skin disorders)
  • And many others

Research citations available on request

Ready to bring mindfulness to your team? Contact us.

I really appreciated that the course found ways to help busy doctors integrate mindfulness into their lives and practice WITHOUT taking more time out of our lives. I was more energetic, happy, and present for my family. And while my work days weren’t any shorter, being mindful helped me feel less resentful of my time at work.

Seattle Healthcare Professional

As health care workers, we are stretched a hundred different directions at the same time, then exhausted with charting and terrible at finding time for self care. I was worried I would fidget and not be able to sit still, but the resulting calm I felt was shocking. I strongly recommend every medical worker to do this course, it truly is life changing.

Kristin Curtis, ARNP, DCNP

Mt. Shuksan Family Medicine & Dermatology

Continuing Medical Education with Mindfulness Northwest

Since 2011, Mindfulness Northwest has been working with physicians and other medical professionals. We offer a variety of programs for healthcare, from 1-3 hour introductions to our 5-week Mindfulness for Healthcare Professionals course. All developed especially for busy healthcare workers.

Mindfulness for Healthcare Professionals (MHP) is a powerful CME course on stress reduction and burnout prevention containing the core elements of the renowned Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). Pre/post data shows significant reduction in factors leading to burnout.

Working with PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center we can provide up to 16.25 AMA PRA Category 1 CME Credits™ for attending the MHP course.  CME credits are applicable for healthcare professionals, including nurses, doctors, therapists, social workers, and medical administrative staff.

Want to bring mindfulness to your workplace? Our clients have included Kaiser Permanente, Providence Health, Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, the UW School of Medicine and many other regional medical centers.

Take our trainings yourself or contact us to find out how we can support your healthcare team.

learn more

You Are Welcome Here

Everyone is welcome at Mindfulness Northwest, regardless of race, religion, age, ability, gender expression, who you love, what you believe -- everyone. We at Mindfulness NW work hard to make our spaces safe for all, and we thank you for joining us with that same intention.

More on Continuing Education

Continuing Education Credit is available for many professions:

Regarding partial attendance:

  • For APA CE's (MBSR & MSC), complete attendance of the course is required. We can sometimes offer make-up classes in a parallel course, but this is not always available. If you know you will miss a session, we recommend that you wait to register for a series when you can plan to attend all sessions.
  • For CME's, the attendance requirement is more flexible: credit can be pro-rated to the number of hours you attend.

Scroll to CE details for MHP | MBSR | MSC

5-week Mindfulness for Healthcare Providers (MHP) Course

Physicians, nurses, therapists, and social workers: PeaceHealth St. Joseph designates this live activity for a maximum of 16.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. It meets the criteria for Category I CME credit to satisfy the relicensure requirements of the Washington State Medical Quality Assurance Commission.

Learning Objectives for the 5-week Mindfulness for Healthcare Providers Course. After this education, learners should be able to:

  • Choose appropriate mindfulness training techniques in preventive and responsive ways in high-stress situations.
  • Utilize appropriate mindfulness practices to mitigate the risk factors for burnout.
  • Discuss strategies with peers for a more positive, mindful engagement in work and home situations that have previously triggered stress response and unhelpful behaviors.
  • Identify helpful vs. unhelpful thought patterns, problem solving, emotional regulation, and meaning-focused coping strategies.
  • Demonstrate meaningful change in personal mindfulness, perceived stress, and burnout as shown in standardized measures administered pre- and post-activity.

8-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Course

Psychologists: Up to 27.0 CE Continuing Education Credits for this program are provided by UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness. The UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

Licensed MFTs, LPCCs, LEPs, LCSWs: Up to 27.0 Continuing Education Credits for this program are provided by UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness. The UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. 27.0 CE credit may be applied to your license renewal through the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.

Nurses: UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP16351, for 32.0 contact hours.

UCSD CE Learning Objectives for the 8 week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course:

  • Articulate the key aspects of mindfulness as it relates to stress reduction, coping with pain and illness and enhancing well-being
  • Differentiate MBSR from relaxation and other distraction techniques that may seem similar but are fundamentally and theoretically quite different in contending with difficulty and enhancing quality of life
  • Apply mindfulness techniques in both personal and professional settings as a means of contending more effectively with the demands of both settings
  • Integrate mindfulness into social interaction with patients, colleagues, supervisors, family and friends to facilitate more effective and mindful communication
  • Articulate the potential benefits of mindfulness-based stress reduction (and mindfulness in general) to educate patients and their families about the benefits of such programs in their own lives
  • Implement brief mindfulness practices with patients and family members as a means of contending with acute pain, anxiety and distress.

CE Registrants are responsible for completing all requirements for attendance or making up missed classes, as well as completing the post class evaluation by no later than 3 days after the last class meeting. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of CE’s.

8-week Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) Course

Psychologists: Up to 24.0 Continuing Education Credits for this program are provided by UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness. The UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

Licensed MFTs, LPCCs, LEPs, LCSWs: Up to 24.0 Continuing Education Credits for this program are provided by UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness. The UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Credits may be applied to your license renewal through the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.

Nurses: UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP16351, for 28.75 contact hours.

UCSD CE Learning Objectives for the 8-week Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) class:

  • Describe the theory and research supporting mindful self-compassion
  • Develop and apply self-compassion practices to motivate themselves with encouragement rather than self-criticism
  • Assess and manage difficult situations and emotions with greater moment-to-moment acceptance
  • Develop and apply self-compassion practices to respond to feelings of failure or inadequacy with self-kindness
  • Transform difficult relationships, old and new, through self-validation
  • Utilize the art of savoring and self-appreciation to overcome negative attention bias
  • Apply core mindfulness and self-compassion practices into daily life
  • Demonstrate simple self-compassion practices to patients, students, or clients

CE Registrants are responsible for completing all requirements for attendance or making up missed classes, as well as completing the post class evaluation by no later than 3 days after the last class meeting. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of CE’s.

What are your classes like?

Our teachers work hard to create a supportive, friendly, and safe classroom community for you and the other participants in our multi-week classes. Mindfulness and compassion training can be many things to many people at different points in their lives: supportive, exploratory, revealing, and at times challenging. The classes include both tools you can use every day and opportunities to take a deep dive into your mind, habits, and conditioning. This process has many benefits but it’s also important to consider if the time is right. Please read on and consider watching the 5-minute video below.

There are instances where a longer course like Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction or Mindful Self-Compassion can be less helpful or even harmful.  If you've recently experienced serious psychological challenges like schizophrenia or psychosis not responsive to medication, or you are experiencing severe depression with thoughts of suicide, class is probably not helpful at this time. We also suggest caution if you're recently in recovery, recently lost a close loved one, have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), or have recently experienced significant trauma.

If you're unsure about registering for a course, please contact the Mindfulness Northwest office. We want to be sure there is sufficient support for you and that the timing is right for taking our courses.


All adults (18+) are welcome! Our supportive, inclusive community celebrates participants from all backgrounds. Everyone is welcome at Mindfulness Northwest, regardless of race, religion, age, ability, gender expression, who you love, what you believe -- everyone. We at Mindfulness NW work hard to make our spaces safe for all, and we thank you for joining us with that same intention.

Certain retreats are best suited for more experienced practitioners; details about prerequisites are included with each event description.

Couples and close friends do often take our classes together. We ask that people who are attending our programs together please register separately.


We hope you enjoy this five-minute message from Executive Director Tim Burnett on what our classes look and feel like. We recommend you watch it before enrolling in an 8-week or residential MBSR or MSC.

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