The Five Remembrances
Heart of Winter Retreat 2023
A talk by Tim Burnett

The Five Remembrances: Heart of Winter Retreat 2023 In February 2023, Mindfulness Northwest Executive Director and Guiding Teacher Tim Burnett co-led a weekend online The Heart of Winter Retreat with Carolyn McCarthy. The theme of this retreat was a deep contemplation...

Tonglen Compassion Meditation
Tim Burnett - 29 minute audio

Tonglen is a practice developed in Tibetan Buddhism for cultivating compassion. As the 7-minute supplemental audio explains it is also the basis for the Receiving and Giving Compassion practice offering our Mindful Self-Compassion classes. In some ways Tonglen is more...

We Are All Unique Meditators
An article by Beth Glosten
February 2023

On the final day of a multi-week class, a participant asked a question that I’ve pondered for some time. These are not the exact words, but the query was essentially, “Is there a hierarchy of meditation practices? In this class, did we start with the most basic or...