Listening meditation is included in our Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program. It's a great practice for looking at preferences,conceptualization, and how easily our mental habits can "drive the bus" of perception and evaluation. In Listening Meditation we practice receiving sounds as a neutral experience of perception: hearing sounds as "just sounds." This strengthens the ability to approach life in a less judgmental, more accepting way. Listening Meditation is also one of the options in the Anchoring Meditation - it's a useful alternative to breath awareness for grounding and centering in the present moment.
Listening Meditation - 21 minutes
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Mindfulness Northwest Resources
These practice recordings, videos, and descriptions are provided to the community for your personal use free of charge. Our mission at Mindfulness Northwest is to make quality, teacher-supported, mindfulness and compassion training more available to communities in the Pacific Northwest and beyond. We hope you find this mindfulness practice helpful and invite you to explore our upcoming programs.
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