Awareness of Breathing
Catherine Duffy - 20 minute audio

In this core meditation practice, we direct attention to the sensations associated with breathing as our bodies inhale and exhale. This practice is a powerful tool for grounding in our experience of the present moment. Other breath practices like Breath Counting and...

Three Anchors for Meditation
Catherine Duffy - 20 minute audio

In strengthening the ability to be present and grounded, "anchoring" attention with felt present-moment experience is deeply helpful. While many practices do this using breath as the object of attention, the anchoring meditation helps you explore other options. These...

Awareness of Breathing
Tim Burnett - 5 minute video

In this core meditation practice, we direct attention to the sensations associated with breathing as our bodies inhale and exhale. This practice is a powerful tool for grounding in our experience of the present moment. Other breath practices like Breath Counting and...

Breath Counting Meditation
Tim Burnett - 24 minute audio

Counting the breath can be a powerful support for breathing meditation practice. Here we suggest gently applying a number, from 1 up to 10, to the exhale. This gives the cognitive mind something to do in service of breath awareness. Note, though, that this practice is...

Breath Counting Meditation
Tim Burnett - 13 minute audio

Counting the breath can be a powerful support for breathing meditation practice. Here we suggest gently applying a number, from 1 up to 10, to the exhale. This gives the cognitive mind something to do in service of breath awareness. Note, though, that this practice is...

Awareness of Breathing
Tim Burnett - 22 minute audio

In this core meditation practice, we direct attention to the sensations associated with breathing as our bodies inhale and exhale. This practice is a powerful tool for grounding in our experience of the present moment. Other breath practices like Breath Counting and...

Awareness of Breathing
Teresa Johnson - 25 minute audio

In this core meditation practice, we direct attention to the sensations associated with breathing as our bodies inhale and exhale. This practice is a powerful tool for grounding in our experience of the present moment. Other breath practices like Breath Counting and...

Awareness of Breathing
Beth Glosten - 20 minute audio

In this core meditation practice, we direct attention to the sensations associated with breathing as our bodies inhale and exhale. This practice is a powerful tool for grounding in our experience of the present moment. Other breath practices like Breath Counting and...

Sitting Meditation
Karen Schwisow - 17 minute audio

Sitting Meditation is a powerful way to stop. To pause. To remember. To turn down the volume. In Sitting Meditation we take a balanced, stable, upright posture and tune in to felt experience. The stillness we settle into is a powerful antidote to habits of reaction...

Five-Minute Meditation
Karen Schwisow - 5 minute audio

Five-Minute Meditation - 5 minutes by Karen Schwisow Mindfulness Northwest Resources These practice recordings, videos, and descriptions are provided to the community for your personal...

Affectionate Breathing
Tim Burnett - 24 minute audio

The practice of Affectionate Breathing is a core Mindful Self-Compassion practice. This practice "warms up" the core mindfulness practice Awareness of Breathing by bringing elements of self-kindness and inviting a feeling of being nurtured by the breath. Affectionate...

Considering Meditation Posture
An article by Beth Glosten
May 2021

Posture is the structural basis of our upright position. And posture supports our upright position in meditation. But it is tricky. We are guided to be upright, but relaxed – not too tight, and not too loose. But what does this all mean? If I’m “relaxed,” I feel my...