In March 2021, Mindfulness Northwest Executive Director and Guiding Teacher Tim Burnett led a weekend retreat online focussed on the powerful teachings of beginner’s mind from Buddhism which also form a foundational part of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction as...
by Tim Burnett, October 2023 In October 2023, Mindfulness Northwest Executive Director and Guiding Teacher Tim Burnett led a weekend retreat at the Samish Island Retreat Center focussed on the ways that the exploration of mindfulness, and thus the exploration of a...
by Tim Burnett, September 2023 In September 2023, Mindfulness Northwest Executive Director and Guiding Teacher Tim Burnett led a weekend retreat at the Samish Island Retreat Center focussed on the ways that mindfulness supports surprising personal changes in a way...
by Tim Burnett, February 2023 In February 2023, Mindfulness Northwest Executive Director and Guiding Teacher Tim Burnett gave a talk at our weekend retreat at the Samish Island Retreat Center focussed on “Role Models and Mindfulness” We offer three weekend...
by Tim Burnett, June 2022 In June 2022, Mindfulness Northwest Executive Director and Guiding Teacher Tim Burnett led a weekend retreat at the Samish Island Retreat Center focussed on “knowing where you truly are” We offer three weekend residential...
Just over a year ago, a Minneapolis police officer murdered George Floyd. Like so many individuals and organizations, Mindfulness Northwest heard this wake-up call. Instead of an immediate public response, we’ve turned inward, toward self-examination. We wanted to...
A Gift for You! We’d be delighted to share a detailed handout on strategies and resources for having a more mindful work day.