Loving-Kindness Meditation
Karen Schwisow - 15 minute audio

Loving-kindness stengthens the natural human desire that you and others be well. A core part of our Mindful Self-Compassion program as well as other compassion cultivation programs, loving-kindness meditation uses a combination of imagery and language to open the...

You Do Not Have To Be Good
Article by Tim Burnett
February 2021

You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. Right. Remembering these lines I feel something in my gut unclench a bit. I find...

The Calm Within the Storm
Article by Michael Kelberrer
January 2021

By all accounts the Dalai Lama is the embodiment of equanimity. In the face of persecution, a lifetime of exile, the responsibility of both an entire nation and an entire religion, he has always seemed grounded, open-eyed and to be acting from a base of strength....

Meeting a Challenging Moment
Article by Tim Burnett
December 2020

Dear Friends, We finally kissed 2020 goodbye a few weeks ago, hoping for more peaceful, healthy, and productive times ahead. And yet as I write this, the U.S. is breaking tragic records for deaths from Covid-19 and Congress is debating whether to impeach President...

Mindful Movement with Qigong
National Qigong Association - 20 minutes

The ancient Chinese practice of Qigong is a deep root for mindful movement in our programs. Qigong is gentle, flowing, and can be done by most bodies. The sequence we do can be done equally well standing as in a chair. Give it a try and see how it works for you. For...

On Walking Meditation
Practice Instructions

by Jack Kornfield, A Path With Heart Select a quiet place where you can walk comfortably back and forth, indoors or out, about ten to thirty paces in length. Begin by standing at one end of this “walking path,” with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Let your...

Finding Your Own Loving-Kindness Phrases
Tim Burnett - 35 minute video

Loving-kindness stengthens the natural human desire that you and others be well. A core part of our Mindful Self-Compassion program as well as other compassion cultivation programs, loving-kindness meditation uses a combination of imagery and language to open the...

An Exploration of Forgiveness
Article by Tim Burnett
October 2020

To Forgive: (1) to cease to feel resentment against (an offender) (2) to give up any claim to requital (compensation or retaliation) (3) to grant relief from debt. [Merriam-Webster] “To forgive is to abandon all hope of a better past.” – author...