Dec 1, 2023
Growing up near Lake Washington, I was the kid who sat on the dock watching with envy, terrified of getting in the water as my friends had fun splashing about. I suspect that my Dad grabbing my foot in the pool to play “Jaws” when I was little had...
Nov 22, 2023
In March 2021, Mindfulness Northwest Executive Director and Guiding Teacher Tim Burnett led a weekend retreat online focussed on the powerful teachings of beginner’s mind from Buddhism which also form a foundational part of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction as...
Nov 22, 2023
Deep Winter Online Retreat 2021: The Hidden Lamp In January 2021, Mindfulness Northwest Executive Director and Guiding Teacher Tim Burnett co-led a 5-day online retreat which featured stories of powerful women teachers and practitioners from the Zen Buddhist...
Nov 3, 2023
A few weeks ago, I decided to meditate outside, on my deck. It was a beautiful day, a slight breeze rustling through the trees, birds twittering, sky a startling blue, with no clouds. As I was adjusting myself in the special seat I had prepared, with the pillow just...
Nov 1, 2023
by Tim Burnett, October 2023 In October 2023, Mindfulness Northwest Executive Director and Guiding Teacher Tim Burnett led a weekend retreat at the Samish Island Retreat Center focussed on the ways that the exploration of mindfulness, and thus the exploration of a...
Oct 19, 2023
THE BUDDHIST ROOTS OF MINDFULNESS 2023 In October 2023, Mindfulness Northwest Executive Director and Guiding Teacher Tim Burnett co-led a 7-day retreat on the Buddhist teachings on mindfulness. Tim deeply explored the traditional Buddhist text that is the central...
Sep 29, 2023
Think of Mindful Movement as a "body scan in motion" where we practice deeply feeling the sensations in the body as we move it and as we hold different postures. We offer a few suggestions for getting started as well as diagrams of our standard full mindful movement...
Sep 29, 2023
During challenges, I seek refuge in the wilderness. Nothing extravagant – usually a solo hike, sometimes an overnight trip. Physical exertion is a key component – I enjoy a bit of challenge to get me out of my head. At my age, it doesn’t take much: a couple of miles,...
Sep 12, 2023
Open Awareness is the practice of stabilizing attention with a broad, wide-open focus that allows mental objects, sensations, and sensory experiences to come and go. All mindfulness-based practices are oriented towards stabilizing attention. Sometimes a stable...
Sep 5, 2023
THE BUDDHIST ROOTS OF COMPASSION 2023 In August 2023, Mindfulness Northwest Executive Director and Guiding Teacher Tim Burnett co-led a 5-day retreat on the Buddhist teachings on being in deep and harmonious service with others. A teaching poem by the 13th century...
Sep 5, 2023
by Tim Burnett, September 2023 In September 2023, Mindfulness Northwest Executive Director and Guiding Teacher Tim Burnett led a weekend retreat at the Samish Island Retreat Center focussed on the ways that mindfulness supports surprising personal changes in a way...
Aug 31, 2023
I have to admit that I didn’t like loving kindness meditation at first. I took to silent meditation pretty readily. I found it challenging at times, but generally calming and refreshing, and I treasured the simplicity and silence of it. Loving kindness just...
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