R.A.I.N. Meditation
Ellen Zocher - 32 minute audio

The R.A.I.N. practice is a 4-step process for meeting the challenges of life in a spacious, curious, reflective way. The four steps of rain are: (1) recognize, (2) accept and allow, (3) investigate, and (4) non-identification with the challenge. We've been amazed by...

Doing Nothing Helps
An article by Tim Burnett | September 2024

Something that occurs to me regularly at our mindfulness retreats is: “I never would have thought of this!”It never would have occurred to me that being quiet and sitting still with a group of people for days at a time would bring so much benefit. That it would lead...

May You Be Happy…
An article by Beth Glosten, M.D. | August 2024

“May you be happy…” Have you heard this phrase before? It is one of several phrases that might be used in the loving-kindness meditation practice. Others include: may you feel safe, may you be healthy, may you be at peace, and may you live with ease. What is your...

Planting Seeds
An article by Tim Burnett | April 2023

When I was younger I was a very judgmental person.Pretty much anything anyone said or did I’d have a strong opinion about how they could have done that better and the many things wrong with their choices and approach. It was a pretty constant grouch-fest with a strong...

Receiving Kindness from Others ~ by TIM BURNETT

Take a moment and consider this: you wouldn’t be here doing what you’re doing if it were not for the kindness of others. Pause if you would, and consider: the inspiring teacher who lit you up; the unfailing support from that devoted relative;  the generous...

Turning Toward the Cold
by Ellen Zocher, December 2023

Growing up near Lake Washington, I was the kid who sat on the dock watching with envy, terrified of getting in the water as my friends had fun splashing about. I suspect that my Dad grabbing my foot in the pool to play “Jaws” when I was little had...

Mindful Movement
Carolyn McCarthy - 10 minute audio

Think of Mindful Movement as a "body scan in motion" where we practice deeply feeling the sensations in the body as we move it and as we hold different postures. We offer a few suggestions for getting started as well as diagrams of our standard full mindful movement...

Take Mindfulness Outside
An article by Beth Glosten, M.D.
October 2023

During challenges, I seek refuge in the wilderness. Nothing extravagant – usually a solo hike, sometimes an overnight trip. Physical exertion is a key component – I enjoy a bit of challenge to get me out of my head. At my age, it doesn’t take much: a couple of miles,...

Open Awareness Meditation
Carolyn McCarthy - 22 minute audio

Open Awareness is the practice of stabilizing attention with a broad, wide-open focus that allows mental objects, sensations, and sensory experiences to come and go. All mindfulness-based practices are oriented towards stabilizing attention. Sometimes a stable...