Just What the World Needs
An article by Carolyn McCarthy | December 2024

by Carolyn McCarthy Photo by Judy Beth Morris On a recent morning in early November, my stomach was in knots. My head was spinning, a thought storm tumbling through. I’d managed to get myself out the door and was walking to yoga class, mat tucked under my arm. But my...

On Acceptance
An article by Beth Glosten, M.D. | October 2024

What happens when you take stock of your day, your life, your purpose? What is the nature of the language you use with yourself? Most of us tend to be harsh and critical of how we are conducting our life. We easily spiral into self-talk of “shoulds:” I should be more...

Forgiveness Practice
Tim Burnett - 26 minute audio

The practice of forgiveness is both a practical and deep exploration in a world where we humans regularly cause each other harm, and can even harm ourselves. This practice is based on one described by American Insight Meditation teachers Sharon Salzberg and Gina...

Gestures of Mindful Self-Compassion
Catherine Duffy - 15 minute video

In this video practice, Catherine walks us through the Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) Gestures, which are positions and movements that can help us sense and physically embody the different qualities of Mindful Self-Compassion. The first three gestures correspond with...

Relaxed and Alert Tonglen for Self
Tim Burnett - 37 minute audio

A tonglen (“giving and receiving compassion”) meditation with an emphasis on being relaxed and alert in our practice.  You can learn more about tonglen meditation at Tim’s introductory recording. Delivered at the Winter 2023 MSC II: Roots of...

Developing Bodhicitta
Tim Burnett - 34 minute audio

A meditation oriented around developing the quality of heart-mind the Buddhists call “bodhicitta” – the altruistic mind of awakening.  This practice is based on an article by Ven. Thubten Chodron. Delivered at the Winter 2023 MSC II: Roots of...

Tonglen Compassion Meditation
Tim Burnett - 29 minute audio

Tonglen is a practice developed in Tibetan Buddhism for cultivating compassion. As the 7-minute supplemental audio explains it is also the basis for the Receiving and Giving Compassion practice offering our Mindful Self-Compassion classes. In some ways Tonglen is more...