Jun 4, 2021
While Mindfulness Northwest's recommended Mindful Movement with Gentle Yoga sequence includes getting up and down off the floor, this Chair Yoga version can be done sitting on the chair and standing with the support of the chair. A core value at Mindfulness Northwest...
Jun 4, 2021
Think of Mindful Movement as a "body scan in motion" where we practice deeply feeling the sensations in the body as we move it and as we hold different postures. We offer a few suggestions for getting started as well as diagrams of our standard full mindful movement...
Jun 4, 2021
Think of Mindful Movement as a "body scan in motion" where we practice deeply feeling the sensations in the body as we move it and as we hold different postures. We offer a few suggestions for getting started as well as diagrams of our standard full mindful movement...
Jun 4, 2021
instructions Mindful movement or gentle yoga can develop strength, balance, flexibility and body awareness. Our mindful movement emphasizes awareness and balance. Move through the poses carefully and slowly, holding attention inside the body.Please consider the...
Nov 4, 2020
The ancient Chinese practice of Qigong is a deep root for mindful movement in our programs. Qigong is gentle, flowing, and can be done by most bodies. The sequence we do can be done equally well standing as in a chair. Give it a try and see how it works for you. For...
Nov 4, 2020
by Jack Kornfield, A Path With Heart Select a quiet place where you can walk comfortably back and forth, indoors or out, about ten to thirty paces in length. Begin by standing at one end of this “walking path,” with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Let your...