Planting Seeds
An article by Tim Burnett | April 2023

When I was younger I was a very judgmental person.Pretty much anything anyone said or did I’d have a strong opinion about how they could have done that better and the many things wrong with their choices and approach. It was a pretty constant grouch-fest with a strong...

Sitting by a Stream
Tim Burnett - 11 minute audio

In this innovating 11 minute practice, Tim invites us to find stability in the context of dynamic energy and change using the imagery of sitting besides a mountain stream. The audio includes a “special guest” recording from nature. Sitting by a Stream - 11...

Mountain Meditation
Tim Burnett - 18 minute audio

Meditations using imagery and symbols can be powerful. The Mountain Meditation envisions your experience as that of a mountain: stable and solid but also always changing. This classic practice, popularized by Jon Kabat-Zinn, is often included in our Mindfulness-Based...

Forgiveness Practice
Tim Burnett - 26 minute audio

The practice of forgiveness is both a practical and deep exploration in a world where we humans regularly cause each other harm, and can even harm ourselves. This practice is based on one described by American Insight Meditation teachers Sharon Salzberg and Gina...

Receiving Kindness from Others ~ by TIM BURNETT

Take a moment and consider this: you wouldn’t be here doing what you’re doing if it were not for the kindness of others. Pause if you would, and consider: the inspiring teacher who lit you up; the unfailing support from that devoted relative;  the generous...

Turning Toward the Cold
by Ellen Zocher, December 2023

Growing up near Lake Washington, I was the kid who sat on the dock watching with envy, terrified of getting in the water as my friends had fun splashing about. I suspect that my Dad grabbing my foot in the pool to play “Jaws” when I was little had...

Mindful Movement
Carolyn McCarthy - 10 minute audio

Think of Mindful Movement as a "body scan in motion" where we practice deeply feeling the sensations in the body as we move it and as we hold different postures. We offer a few suggestions for getting started as well as diagrams of our standard full mindful movement...

Take Mindfulness Outside
An article by Beth Glosten, M.D.
October 2023

During challenges, I seek refuge in the wilderness. Nothing extravagant – usually a solo hike, sometimes an overnight trip. Physical exertion is a key component – I enjoy a bit of challenge to get me out of my head. At my age, it doesn’t take much: a couple of miles,...

Open Awareness Meditation
Carolyn McCarthy - 22 minute audio

Open Awareness is the practice of stabilizing attention with a broad, wide-open focus that allows mental objects, sensations, and sensory experiences to come and go. All mindfulness-based practices are oriented towards stabilizing attention. Sometimes a stable...